Xcode For Macos Catalina 10.15

Question or issue on macOS:

I was using Xcode 11 (dmg downloaded from developer account extra files section) on mac os 10.14.6. Today i updated my Mac os to 10.15 catalina to use xcode 11 canvas view but the issue is after updating to mac os 10.15 Catalina i am unable to open xcode. When i clicks on xcode icon it jumps for few seconds and then nothing happens. QLMarkdown and QLColorcode fail on Catalina 10.15 #59269 atlas returns segmentation fault with macOS 10.15 and Xcode 11 #59282 package py37-tensorflow does not build on mac os X 10.15 (catalina) #59316 osxfuse @3.8.3: Assertion 'commonisvariable DEFAULTSDK1015ARCHITECURES' failed #59377 xorg-xorgproto @2019.2: Failed to configure on macOS. Xcode 11 can only be installed on a Mac running macOS Mojave (10.14.4 or above) or macOS Catalina (10.15 or above). Go back to Step 0 and check to make sure you have upgraded to macOS Catalina as. MacOS Catalina, version 10.15.x If you’re new to Xcode or are running Xcode 10 or earlier, install the latest version of Xcode from the Mac App Store. The latest version of Xcode meets the requirements of Mobile Extensions.

I was using Xcode 11 (dmg downloaded from developer account extra files section) on mac os 10.14.6

Today i updated my Mac os to 10.15 catalina to use xcode 11 canvas view but the issue is after updating to mac os 10.15 Catalina i am unable to open xcode. When i clicks on xcode icon it jumps for few seconds and then nothing happens.

I have no backup and projects going on and the main thing is that is my office pc where i work. Please help!!

Xcode For Macos Catalina 10.15

I tried fixing by this but it didn’t helped
I can’t open Xcode project after updating to Catalina

How to solve this problem?

Solution no. 1:

Xcode 11.1 is available on the Mac App Store now so you should probably be using that. Try a force brute approach by deleting Xcode 11, redownload and reinstall.

Solution no. 2:

I was able to work around this by uninstalling Xcode first. What I did:

Xcode For Macos Catalina 10.15 Full

  • Open Finder and navigate to Applications.
  • Move Xcode from Applications to Trash.
  • In the terminal, run the command rm -rf ~/Library/Developer
  • In the terminal, run the command rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.dt.Xcode
  • Restart your machine.
  • Now go to App Store and search for Xcode and install it from there.

Solution no. 3:

This works for me.

Close you project then Go to your project file > right click on project_name.xcworkspace > Show Package Contents > delete folder xcsharedata and xcworkspace.

It will create deleted file again once you open that project

Solution no. 4:

One could also try to perhaps add the program to the list of apps allowed to access the disk.

This can be found under: Settings > Security & Privacy > Privacy > ….

Not directly related: but I just did this for the MS Office Programs (Word, Excel, Powerpoint Outlook etc..).

Xcode For Macos Catalina 10.15Macos

While in contact with MS Support they advised me to delete everything and reinstall. Adding the programs was a lot easier and retained all my data.

Xcode For Macos Catalina 10.15 Free

Hope this helps!